Burnout has become common in today’s fast-paced world. Some people have to do multiple jobs or work double shifts in their job just to survive. This makes it difficult to maintain a work-life balance and stresses the body to the point of burnout. If you are a worker who is facing a lot of stress or trying to recover from burnout. Then here are five steps to take to avoid burnout.

Five Steps to Take to Avoid Burnout

Struggling to overcome burnout can be difficult for anyone. According to MayoClinic, burnout can lead to excessive stress, insomnia, and even various health conditions. Below are some of the recommended tips to help you recover from or avoid burnout from work.

1. Listen to Your Body 

When you are near burnout, your body will give you signs before it breaks down. Beyond the symptoms of physical stress, you may start feeling self-doubt, helpless, and detached from everyone and everything around you. You may lack the motivation to get up every morning and go to work and will start having an all-around negative outlook toward your job. 

Instead of pushing yourself, even more, take a step back and listen to the psychological and physical signs of impending burnout. Taking preventive measures before things get out of hand may prevent burnout and renew your motivation to work. 

2. Consider Switching Careers 

If you have tried everything and you still can’t reduce or control the stress attached to your current job, it may be time to switch careers. You do not need to get another degree to explore other career paths. There are online coding bootcamps like App Academy, General Assembly, and other short-term training establishments that can help you acquire a new skill quickly and explore another career.

If you have money saved up, you can take a sabbatical from work and explore a passion project that makes you happy. It could be for three to six months depending on how much you have to take care of yourself during the downtime. A vacation is also a great way to take a break from work stress. 

3. Start Working Out

According to the National Library of Medicine, regular exercise can improve low self-esteem, concentration, and cognitive function. It can also help with depression, anxiety, and negative mood. You can take a 30-minute walk every day, complete strength training exercises, participate in a sport, or do anything that gets your body moving. 

If your company has a fitness package, take advantage of it by doing yoga, pilates, or even going for a swim during your break hour. You could also practice meditation and mindfulness along with your structured workout. 

4. Talk to Your Supervisor 

Often, burnout in the workplace is due to physical stress from the job. Due to backlash from labor unions, several companies in the United States have put policies in place to help workers achieve work-life balance. This means that you have the right to speak to your supervisor or the human resource department about adjusting your workload or schedule. 

If talking to your supervisor doesn’t work, consider switching from full-time to part-time if that option is available in your workplace. It doesn’t have to be a permanent switch. You can work part-time until you get your stress under control mentally and physically. 

5. Make Time for Socialization 

It is difficult to make new friends and socialize with old ones when you have a full work schedule. However, having a community of like-minded friends will make it easier for you to deal with stress. The friends can be from your workplace or anywhere else. The most important thing is that they provide emotional support and encourage you to engage in non-work activities. 

When you socialize, especially with people you love, you will make your body more capable of dealing with stress and anxiety. You will also get a boost of confidence that will make things better for you in the workplace. 

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Burnout is more and more relevant in our busy society. If you have tried these tips to manage burnout and you don’t see any results, consider seeking professional help. You can talk to a psychologist about the options available for dealing with stress. Various forms of therapy or medications may help you achieve improvement in your mental health.